Describe a place that was special to you as a child.

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2 min readJan 9, 2021


here is a special place in hong kong. I spent most of my young age there. You’re right, it’s the happy valley racecourse. It’s the only place in Hong Kong that has a colossal, regular-sized, and unique pitch. You don’t need to worry about hurting or getting yourself a wound no matter if you play rugby or any type of sport.

Geographically, its located in the wan chai district in HK, a short 10 min walk from causeway bay metro station. I clearly remember I first went there when I was 5 years old. I met a few buddies who introduced me to my favorite sport, soccer. They’re about the same age as I am, but much taller and robust. I looked at their agile little feet wibbling past older kids easily without effort. They encouraged me to be a better soccer player, to be a player like them. One of my friends is called Nakata, he taught me fancy skills and taught me how he improved by practicing. From that day on, we practiced every day after school, we joined the same soccer team.

We became best friends in a short period of time and formed the deadliest duo in our team. Scoring goals one after another, destroying and frustrating defenders, making it a nightmare for defenders. We acquired plenty of trophies, including the U11 trophy only at the age of 8.

Tragically, Nikata left for London to continue his football career at crystal palace. This is when our duo broke up, I hardly scored goals without him. Not long after he left, I quitted the team and only played soccer as a hobby.

The increasing stress of homework and academics couldn’t allow me to go to happy valley that often since then. I would never forget the times when we played, scored, and celebrated together. Happy Valley racecourse to me is a sacred place filled with jovial memories, so it’s definitely a special place for me.

