:/am i a huamn or a animal cell
2 min readJan 9, 2021

Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Do others take the opposite? view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why.

I entirely agree with the statement that the best preparation for life is being more cooperative instead of being competitive. In my perspective, there are more advantages if you accept others’ opinions and being amiable and altruistic. On the other side, competition leads to a plethora amount of arrogance, avariciousness, and insane competitiveness. I listed a few reasons why I personally confront the statement.

Throughout your career, you will have the chance to meet hundreds and thousands of people, but then what will happen if you’re over competitive? Yes, you’ll surely be abominated and lithed by your colleagues and friends because they can’t stand your arrogance and bigot personality. Everyone will leave you eventually because of your craving to compete with others.

As an introverted teenager, I realized I barely got any friends, that’s when I’ve decided to start changing myself by being more proactive and convivial and participated in projects with other students. I met a few buddies and we four became best friends in a short amount of time. Being amiable can surely make you more friends instead of being arrogant!

In addition, being cooperative and extroverted can also give you more opportunities in your working career. In interviews, you get a higher chance if you’re cooperative instead of competitive. The interviewer definitely will be amazed by your outgoing personality which leads to a higher chance of success and promotion.

How can be cooperative affect one’s life? Mark Cuban is a good example, he was famous because of his extrovert personality, he is a benefactor, he gives millions to charity and he is considered an altruistic person. He is a media producer, but his affable personality always makes him well known. He is also the owner of NBA’s Dallas Mavericks which made him more famous. These personalities helped him to build up his fame to become a successful businessman.

It wasn’t until the 2020s to find out that competitiveness and cooperativeness can have a variety of pros and con in psychology, cooperative and competitive is always compared together, but to my opinion, I still prefer to be cooperative instead of competitive.